So. Let's get down to the chase. Is your girlfriend a liar? Do you really trust her to tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Because to let you know cowboys...this aint court. Your girl isn't going to put her hand on the bible and tell you the whole truth. So what do you do?
Here are a few general hints...if your that oblivious.
- What she's good at: Shakin her boobies and bootay. Very slick move. Men tend to get their mind focused on the goods the minute it's present. Tsk tsk. Secret weapon for a woman who wants to change the subject. So boys, if your on a topic that you feel strongly about, don't let
your girl distract you by her goods.
- Guilty conscience?: You bring your girl a gift for anniversary, birthday, or just out of random, but what if she doesn't accept it? Your girl may have lost feelings for you. Sorry bud. But another reason can be that she feels guilty for something she did and you being nice to her. Hey, atleast she has feelings.
- Chill...: This is a biggy one. And most common. If you and your girlfriend are having a conversation and a subject abruptly comes up and her tone changes...suspicious? Woman tend to pause when asked something they are uncomfortable with. Could be a good thing if you surprise her with poetry or a ring..badly if your looking for the truth. Yet, some tend to overreact about a simple question or assumption. Be careful boys.
- Pants on Fire: One of the most obvious. Fidgeting. If a woman is fidgeting with an object or making a repeating movement WITHOUT making eye contact, something is up. Keep in that in mind. Now, if she is making eye contact, give her a brownie point.
- Personality much?: Get to know the girl before. Now, pay attention. Does she lie to other people regularly? To her best friends or family members? And i mean big lies. not white lies like "your hair is fine, don't worry." I'm talking about the types of lies that add to her own benefit. If she lies to other people, what makes you think she won't lie to you? Duh.
- Storyteller: Is she telling you a story and lacking details? Hmm...that's got you thinking. Now, if you ask for the details, is she making eye contact or fidgeting? bigger hmmm...Focus on body language.
- A Male's Intuition: Listen to your gut cowboys. Is she telling you something that seems out of the ordinary? Do you think something's up? If it's just paranoia, she should be able to keep you at ease. If not, follow your intuition. Trust yourself.
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