Title: Hungry
Author: Crystal Renn (with Marjorie Ingall)
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4391-0123-0
Okey, so I'm taking two english classes which means I have to read two books for the summer. Last time I read Sharp Teeth...and loved it. This time, it's Hungry. Another amazing story.
A model who has a dream to become a top supermodel and would go to any lengths to get there. Literally. So you know how almost all models looks skinny as a toothpick that you could easily break in half? well, this is her story.
Crystal Renn, at age 14-16, lost seventy pounds to be accepted to Vogue magazine. The big industry. She became anorexic, doing rediculous workouts, having abnormal eating habits, and becoming weak to the bone. No seriously. She put her body through so much suffering for years just to be in big photo shoots. But one day, she had an epiphany. She couldn't hurt her body anymore. Today, she is one of the leading plus-size model's in America's modeling industry.
This book makes you as the reader have an epiphany, showing you how to love your own body, and that being skinny isn't everything.
I adored this book to the heart. Now, Crystal Renn is an inspiration to me. The power of a strong woman.